Using CentOS 5.5 x86_64. I am trying to install software that comes on two discs. I can start the install just fine, but when it comes to taking out the first disc and putting in the second, the system won't let me eject it. I remember reading something on the internet once about something needing to be enabled to allow this to work, but I can't find it now. Does anybody have a clue as to what I might be looking for? (Yes, the work around is to just mount both ISOs and not use real discs at all, but as administrator I understand that process and my users won't. However, they are familiar with the process of inserting disks.) Thanks! --- Mike VanHorn Senior Computer Systems Administrator College of Engineering and Computer Science Wright State University 265 Russ Engineering Center 937-775-5157 michael.vanhorn at RSS:'sNewsFeed.xml