[CentOS] http://www.securityweek.com/high-severity-bind-vulnerability-advis ory-issued

Wed Feb 23 20:43:14 UTC 2011
R P Herrold <herrold at owlriver.com>

On Wed, 23 Feb 2011, Larry Vaden wrote:

> Please take off the blinders and realize there are lots of folks (some
> x% of a million or more) on this list who compile from current source
> in order to minimize their risks and are therefore the subject
> audience.

and it is on topic in this venue, just how?  You might as well 

- Look both ways before crossing the street

- Always buckle your seatbelt

- Never use an ISP that requires provising sufficient personal 
information as needed to facilitate identity theft [1]; and 
solicts credit card information without any indication of PCI/CISP
controls or privacy policy [2]

Mailman provides for 'per poster' moderation.  It's time here, 
I think

-- Russ herrold

1. http://www.texoma.net/it/pricing.html
 	"All suscribers [sic] must supply their choice of
 	social security or driver's license number for unique
 	identification within our accounting system"
2. https://secure.texoma.net/make_payment.php