[CentOS] Centos 5.5 - Kernel Panic while booting.

Mon Jan 3 19:21:06 UTC 2011
Rob Del Vecchio <rob.delvecchio at gmail.com>

> I was loading centos in two other identical
> servers today and was having such a hard time loading it from DVD, DVD
> appears to be crashing, I even re-downloaded the image 3 times from three
> different mirrors and burn them with different applications

You know, I was having the same exact issue, except I was downloading
the LiveCD.  I downloaded a bunch of times from different mirrors and
instead of burning to CD, I loaded the CD to a USB key.
After the first downloaded image failed, and after downloading others,
I did an MD5 checksum on all of them, and sure enough, none of them
checked out.  Errors did not exist in consistent places.
I too fell back to netinstall with a kickstart script, so all went
well in the end, but I find it's odd that both CD and DVD downloads
from different mirrors did not transfer correctly (?) .

What could be going on?
