[CentOS] Is it okay?

Fri Jan 21 18:35:48 UTC 2011
Stephen Harris <lists at spuddy.org>

On Fri, Jan 21, 2011 at 10:29:14AM -0800, John R Pierce wrote:
> Red Hat Linux release 6.2 (Zoot)

> Yer not the only one.   this thing is my firewall/gateway/router, also 

I replaced my old redhat 6 firewall (Pentium Pro) with a wrt54g around 7
years ago when I realised just how much energy that machine was wasting
spinning up hard disks and stuff.

I dug it out of the cupboard a couple of years ago and refreshed the OS
(put Damn Small Linux on it) and freecycled it.  People still wanted
a machine that old!

> filtering.   I've got a P3 800 here running RHEL5 that I keep meaning to 
> configure and swap in, but it ain't broke, so I've procrastinated.

These days for small stuff I actually run a user-mode-linux installation
on my main server, with a very very cut down centOS install.  Works nicely
and I build a new "machine" within minutes.  Last year I used it to
build 2 postgres servers and tested out a DR solution :-)  I'm trying to
cut on on physical machines to save money and space.

