[CentOS] RHEL 5.6 is out

Mister IT Guru

misteritguru at gmx.com
Fri Jan 14 17:14:16 UTC 2011

On 14/01/2011 16:14, Cia Watson wrote:
> On Fri, 14 Jan 2011 10:11:20 -0500
> Robert Spangler<mlists at zoominternet.net>  wrote:
>> On Friday 14 January 2011 05:45, Mister IT Guru wrote:
>>>   I assumed that this would be the case! Made me realise how much
>>> faith I have in the CentOS volunteers. Every time I've heard of a
>>> RHEL release, I brace myself and think "WooHoo - CentOS in three
>>> months!" Is this how other CentOS users feel when they hear a RHEL
>>> announcement?
>> NO!  This is a volunteer effort.  You cannot expect them to have the
>> newest release out days after it is announced.  There is work that
>> needs to be done before they can release the OS as CentOS.  They do
>> what they can when they can.  After all it s free so why complain?
>> You could always learn how to help them get the newest release out
>> there if time is such an important issue.
> He did say 'CentOS in three months', and given that as I recall 5.3 to
> 5.4 took 2 months and 5.4 to 5.5 took about the same amount of time, 3
> months hopefully isn't unrealistic? If it is, maybe someone could or
> should put out a call for more volunteers? Of course 6.0 may end up
> being more than 3 months after upstream release, but time will tell.
> Cia W

Thank you Cia W :)

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