[CentOS] how to convert 7 cd iso images into one dvd image?

Les Mikesell

lesmikesell at gmail.com
Sat Jan 15 17:24:37 UTC 2011

On 1/15/11 6:06 AM, Andre Robatino wrote:
>> how to convert 7 cd iso images into one dvd image?
> Cat the CD ISOs together (order doesn't matter) into a single big file
> with the same name as the corresponding DVD (same version and arch),
> then run rsync on it to convert into the actual DVD (using a mirror that
> has both rsync and the desired DVD). The same trick works in reverse:
> for each CD, make a copy of the DVD with the same name as the CD, then
> run rsync on it to convert it into the actual CD. In either direction,
> the download necessary shouldn't be more than a few percent of full size.

If the remote will run rsync, just use that in the first place to get the dvd 
and use the -P option so it will restart if you don't complete on the first attempt.

Or, if you get the CD isos, just drop them in an NFS-shared directory, burn only 
the first one and do an NFS install, pointing the installer at the directory 
containing the iso images.  I haven't done that for a while but I assume it 
still works and it's probably the easiest approach.  With VMware or other 
virtual frameworks that can map an iso file as a boot device you don't even have 
to burn the first image - just connect it as a virtual CD.

   Les Mikesell
    lesmikesell at gmail.com

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