[CentOS] Upgrade from CentOS 5.4 to 5.6 -> 6.0

Nguyen Vu Hung

vuhung at vinicorp.com.vn
Sun Jul 17 18:19:04 UTC 2011


(2011/07/18 1:06), Digimer wrote:
> As far as I know, upgrading between major EL versions is not supported.
> A full re-install is recommended.
Currently, the OS is installed on a vmware, and arcording to the tech staff,
due to technical, they can not install CentOS 6 or anything other than
CentOS 5.4 :)

> If you wish to try anyway, you will probably need to change the repos to
> point to the EL6 repos instead of the EL5 repos.
This seems reasonable (yet a little risky) and I definitely will try to
do that.
Anyone has done that before?


Nguyen Vu Hung

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