[CentOS] [OT] would any of you recommend a ticketing system?

Rainer Duffner

rainer at ultra-secure.de
Tue Jul 19 11:39:08 UTC 2011

Am Di, 19.07.2011, 13:32 schrieb Kevin Thorpe:
> Hi all, sorry for being OT but would any of you recommend a ticketing
> system?
> We'd like something pretty comprehensive to cover helpdesk and HR stuff as
> well as software bugs/requests. There seems to be a million variations
> out there.

Only very few are actually worth installing.

http://www.bestpractical.com/rt/  -> RequestTracker
http://www.otrs.org/ -> OTRS

maybe the one or other commercial one.

I only used RT, but OTRS seems to develop nicely, too.

Both required a lot of Perl-Modules that may or may not exist in the

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