[CentOS] CentOS 6 - VM network bridge issue

Kahlil Hodgson

kahlil.hodgson at dealmax.com.au
Tue Jul 19 21:36:54 UTC 2011

On 07/19/2011 07:52 PM, Khusro Jaleel wrote:
> A bit of a long shot but does turning on STP on the br* interfaces help? 
> I vaguely remember I had to do the following on one of my machines that 
> uses bonding + bridges:
> # brctl stp br0 on
> I have put this in the machines' /etc/rc.local so it's applied upon 
> every reboot.

I've had to do the same for my Fedora hosts with Centos guests. You can put

to force this bridge to always use STP.

Also, adding


will force you network startup script to hang for 15 seconds during
start up.  This gives the STP a chance to settle before any other
services attempt to use the bridge.


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