[CentOS] OT: Linus Torvalds delays Linux 3.0 launch due to a subtle bug (fwd)
Alain Péan
alain.pean at lpp.polytechnique.frThu Jul 21 12:42:22 UTC 2011
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Le 21/07/2011 14:36, John R. Dennison a écrit : > How about this list return to _CentOS_ _specific_ discussions? John I agree it is not, but I was answering on the fact that (part of it) will "never been included in CentOS 6". Alain -- ========================================================== Alain Péan - LPP/CNRS Administrateur Système/Réseau Laboratoire de Physique des Plasmas - UMR 7648 Observatoire de Saint-Maur 4, av de Neptune, Bat. A 94100 Saint-Maur des Fossés Tel : 01-45-11-42-39 - Fax : 01-48-89-44-33 ==========================================================
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