[CentOS] lots of small files in a folder on Linux centos
Always Learning
centos at u6.u22.netSun Jul 24 19:48:23 UTC 2011
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> On Sun, Jul 24, 2011 at 5:13 PM, R P Herrold <herrold at owlriver.com> wrote: > > then, we look to the leading letter of the hask, to design our > > egg carton bins. We place pix00001.jpg in directory: ./f/ and > > pix00002.jpg in directory ./1/ and pix00003.jpg in directory > > ./b/ and so forth -- if the directories get too full again, > > you might go to using the first two letters of the hash to > > perform the 'binning' process If the pictures are named sequentially, why not store then at a 100 per directory structure something like this /pix/0/00/pix00001.jpg /pix/0/26/pix02614.jpg /pix/6/72/pix67255.jpg -- With best regards, Paul. England, EU.
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