[CentOS] running X as root in centos 6

Marko Vojinovic

vvmarko at gmail.com
Wed Jul 27 15:53:47 UTC 2011

On Wednesday 27 July 2011 15:39:46 Jerry Geis wrote:
> When I run X as root in centos 6

I guess you've probably already been told that this is a Very Bad Idea, right?

> I get a nice little message that "your currently trying to run as root
> super user" and
> are you sure you want to with a checkbox.

Of course, when the system sees that you are about to shoot yourself in the 
foot, it asks you if you are sure what you are doing. If you are, just check 
the checkbox and continue. ;-) But think twice, though.

> I do this for a reason as a post install step, then the system reboots
> and it never happens again...

What never happens again? The message doesn't appear on subsequent root X 
logins (this is a bug that should be reported), or you subsequently never try 
to login as root again (this is a good idea to be practiced)?
> I am trying to find how to set this checkbox which says "never ask me
> again" and move on...

I believe that the system is designed to warn you with that message, *every* 
*time* you try to login as root into X. I guess that the "never ask me this 
again" functionality isn't implemented, deliberately. The system *should* ask 
you again. Every time. :-)

As a side note, just be warned that you are about to catch a lot of flaming 
from the list by asking these taboo questions. 

The "Never Login Into X As Root, or if you do, Don't Tell Anyone What You Did 
And Don't Ask For Advice" rule applies. ;-)

HTH, :-)

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