[CentOS] Intel HD graphics & CentOS 6: Error inserting i915

Sat Jul 30 13:40:45 UTC 2011
Timo Neuvonen <timo-news at tee-en.net>

I installed CentOS 6 to Acer 7750 laptop, which has Intel Sandybridge CPU 
( i5-2410M) with integrated Intel HD Graphics 3000.

By default X won't use intel driver for graphics, but vesa instead, which 
limits the resolution to 1024x768. I tried to force the use of intel driver 
by writing a xorg.cof file, but then X doesn't start at all.

I updated libdrm and xorg-x11-drv-intel from elrepo. This intel driver 2.15 
is newer than in Fedora 15 Live CD, and with it the graphics work properly.

The problem seems to be related with i915 kernel module:

(==) Using config file: "/etc/X11/xorg.conf"
FATAL: Error inserting i915 
No such device
(EE) No devices detected.

I've tried kernels from CentOS Base repo, and CentOS-Plus repo too, no 

I found a similar old bugzilla entry:

Somewhere (don't find the source any more) I saw that i915 would need 
intel_agp module, and that would be the problem. This goes a little bit 
beyond my knowledge level.

Maybe this has been fixed somewhere about a year ago:
But is this patch something that is still missing from latest CentOS 

If someone has a solution for this, please advice.
