[CentOS] Capturing ftp reponses

Thu Jun 2 20:59:01 UTC 2011
Ljubomir Ljubojevic <office at plnet.rs>

R P Herrold wrote:
> On Thu, 2 Jun 2011, James B. Byrne wrote:
>> tell me how I can capture and log the initial response to the ftp
>> connection?
> man expect
> It is usually straightforward to capture a transcript of a 
> session, and then abstract away the needed prompts and 
> responses (The ORA 'Exploring Expect' by Don Libes should be 
> read and studied by every sysadmin wanting to be more than a 
> bike-shed painter -- I use such problems to train PFY on 
> their road to BOFH'hood)
> As I recall FTP has some parts in its protocol, as does telnet 
> (another ancient protocol) that are sent to varying file 
> handles, and with varying 'echo' to console stty options, in 
> setting up connection options
> -- Russ herrold

There is also script autoexpext? that creates a script based on user 
commands (you do it once manually and commands are saved). The use 
logging facility of expect to log what you need.
