[CentOS] hard disk install failure

Tue Jun 7 16:28:54 UTC 2011
Thomas Harold <thomas-lists at nybeta.com>

On 6/7/2011 11:22 AM, m.roth at 5-cent.us wrote:
> Timothy Murphy wrote:
> Right, I just looked it up, and I see it's an ADSL modem. Look at your IP
> address, and I'll bet you're 192.168.0.x, or 192.168.1.x. Whatever it is,
> try pinging 192.168.[0 or 1].1. Whichever it is, pull up your browser, and
> point it to that IP, and you should be at the modem's web interface, and
> you can go from there.

Or, assuming that it hands out a DHCP address with a default gateway 
(and the modem/NAT unit is acting as the default gateway):

a) Look for the default route (indicated as the line starting with for IPv4)

# route -n         UG

b) Look at the dhclient.leases file.  This can be hit or miss, depending 
on whether you can find the proper section.  Other distros put it in a 
slightly different location.

lease {
   interface "eth1";
   option subnet-mask;
   option routers;
   option dhcp-lease-time 3600;
   option dhcp-message-type 5;
   option domain-name-servers;
   option dhcp-server-identifier;
   option domain-name "lan.example.org";
   renew 3 2009/4/8 11:57:39;
   rebind 3 2009/4/8 12:21:03;
   expire 3 2009/4/8 12:28:33;

c) Or the "ip" command.

$ ip route list
default via dev eth0  proto static

(Guessing about IP addresses gets harder in a few years once IPv6 
finally goes mainstream.)