[CentOS] Vim scripting - cursor motion

Tue Jun 14 01:41:47 UTC 2011
Kahlil Hodgson <kahlil.hodgson at dealmax.com.au>

On 11/06/11 19:03, Jussi Hirvi wrote:
> Ok, that helped me along. For some reason the motions (like 1G0 for 
> beginning of file, or G$ for last char in file) work, when the script is 
> called from command-line with -s flag (vim -s myscript myfile). But they 
> don't work when the script is called from inside vim (:source myscript). 
> I wonder why.

Try adding :normal to every 'key stroke' command, i.e.,

> :% s/\t/","/g
> :% s/\r\n/\r/g
> :% s/\n/"),\r("/g
> :normal 1G0I("^[
> :normal Gdd
> :normal G$xa;^[
> :w

off the top of my head, that should then work in both scenarios (not

Yes, vim scripting is a bit weird, nowhere near as elegant as emacs
lisp, but it does get the job done if you have the patience.

For debugging try the online help

:h debug-scripts

Happy Hacking!
