On Thu, 2011-06-23 at 18:00 -0700, John R Pierce wrote: > > Currently running 5.6 and would like a two set DVD of that version. > > However none of the mirrors offer pure DVDs only Torrent versions which > > involve the possibility of bits being tampered with and things leaving > > my servers without explicit knowledge and authority. > > > > None of the CD / DVD sellers I have contacted can offer Centos 5.6 DVDs > > because, they say, they can't get a virgin 5.6 DVD only Torrent. > > that argument is a total red herring. > > torrents are digitally signed and protected with MD5 checksums on each > block, they can't be tampered with as long as you get the original > .torrent file from a reliable source. Thank you. I note your reservation "....as long as you get the original .torrent file from a reliable source." I don't know what this exactly means." I prefer virgin copies. -- With best regards, Paul. England, EU.