[CentOS] Is reboot needed after updating kernel, glibc, database?

Tue Jun 28 17:13:13 UTC 2011
Keith Roberts <keith at karsites.net>

On Tue, 28 Jun 2011, Robert Heller wrote:

* snip *

>>> A reboot is also required in the cases of a glibc update 
>>> unless you take the time to restart all services that 
>>> are running and logout and then log back in to 
>>> interactive shell sessions.
>> I've also noticed that Firefox will not operate correctly
>> after some updates, and a reboot seems to fix this.
> Strange.  Never needed to do that.  Of course, I *exit* 
> from FF *before* doing a yum update when I know a new FF 
> is in the pipeline.

Maybe that's because my machine is running generally 24/7, 
and I do quite often leave FF running on 2-3 desktops, with 
several tabs open at once. Then yum runs each night as a 
cron job. But even so, if I shut down all instances of FF 
and start one fresh instance again, IIRC I still seem to 
need to do a reboot *sometimes* to get things back in sync 

Kind Regards,

Keith Roberts


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