[CentOS] yum update -> [Errno 4] Socket Error: timed out - More info

Thu Jun 30 16:10:19 UTC 2011
m.roth at 5-cent.us <m.roth at 5-cent.us>

ken wrote:
> On 06/30/2011 11:21 AM John Doe wrote:
>> From: ken <gebser at mousecar.com>
>>> So I tried using wget to download RPMs from a few mirrors.  I was able
>>> to successfully one whose size is about 5.5M, but the others all stop
>>> downloading around 1M.  Then I tried ftp... same deal.  This might be
>>> the reason for the "socket error" in yum.
>> When you say "stop downloading", what do you mean?
>> Clean stop?  Network error message?  Filesystem?
>> Maybe you could try to wget to /dev/null and see if it goes further?
>> Or try to strace a wget to see what happens...
> Sorry, I should have been clearer.  What happens is that the download
> simply hangs.  Doing ftp I turn on the 'hash' option so the ftp server
> prints a # for every 1k (or something?).  It'll print a half a screen
> full of #s then stop; and I won't get the "ftp>" prompt back, even
> should I wait a half hour for it.
> Using wget it's pretty much the same idea.  On the left of the display
> it'll show something like this:
> and just freeze there... except the right two numbers (following "eta")
> will continue to climb higher... it stays at "5%" and "1,029,216"
> doesn't change, and there's no activity between those two numbers.  In
> short, the download just stops or freezes.

Consider attaching strace, and see what it's waiting for?
