[CentOS] connection speeds between nodes

Tue Mar 8 21:31:14 UTC 2011
Les Mikesell <lesmikesell at gmail.com>

On 3/8/2011 3:14 PM, wessel van der aart wrote:
> the software we're using to distribute our renders is RoyalRender, i'm not
> sure if any optimization is possible, i'll check it out.
> so far it seems that the option of using nfs stands or falls with he use
> of sync.
> does anyone here uses nfs without sync in production? does data corrupt
> often?

The difference between sync/async isn't whether or not the data will be 
corrupted or lost, it is whether the client writing it knows whether or 
not each write completes.  Unless the client has some reasonable way to 
respond to a failed write it's not going to make a difference in practice.

> all the data send from the nodes can be reproduced , so i would think an
> error is acceptable if it happens once a month or so.

How often does your nfs server crash?  And would it matter if the 
writing software knew the exact write that failed or a few seconds 
later?  If you are transferring money between two accounts it matters - 
but with rendering you'd probably redo the file anyway.

   Les Mikesell
    lesmikesell at gmail.com