[CentOS] Server hangs on CentOS 5.5

Wed Mar 9 23:30:29 UTC 2011
Michael Eager <eager at eagerm.com>

compdoc wrote:
>> According to the man page, it apparently needs a kernel driver
>> named OpenIMPI, which it claims is installed in standard
>> distributions.  I don't find it on my system.
> lm_sensors is another, and I think installs ready to use from the repos.

sensors says that the three temp sensors read +36C, +39C, and +87C.
These appear to be AMD K10 temp sensors, although I might be
misreading sensors-detect.  Low/highs are (+127/+127, +127/+90,
+127/+127) respectively.  (I'm not sure if these are alarm set
points or something else.)

One fan is listed as 0 rpm.   Something to look into.

Michael Eager	 eager at eagercon.com
1960 Park Blvd., Palo Alto, CA 94306  650-325-8077