[CentOS] cobbler installation of CentOS-5.5

Mon Mar 28 15:06:23 UTC 2011
Les Mikesell <lesmikesell at gmail.com>

On 3/28/2011 9:49 AM, Timothy Murphy wrote:
> I'm trying to install CentOS-5.5 on my new HP micro-server,
> which has no CD drive.
> I've set up cobbler and cobbler-web on my old server,
> and can access cobbler-web from my laptop.
> I have 3 queries about the installation.
> 1. Is there any advantage is using the 64-bit CentOS
> rather than 32-bit?
> 2. The CentOS OS seems to be available in 7 or 8 CDs.
> (I tried downloading the DVD ISO with ktorrent,
> but this was a complete failure.
> It started OK, but then created literally thousands of links
> to one file, which brought my server down,
> and left it in a state which was quite hard to clean up.)
> But how exactly do I "cobbler import" these?
> I see that for Fedora on my laptop I ran
>      sudo cobbler import --path=/mnt/dvd --name=F14-i386
> 3. Is there actually a way of converting the 7 or 8 CD ISOs
> into a DVD ISO?

Cobbler is kind of overkill for a single install. If you can drop the CD 
iso images under an NFS export, boot from USB and do an nfs install 
you'll be done before you'd have cobbler set up.

   Les Mikesell
    lesmikesell at gmail.com