On 3/27/2011 3:07 PM, Jure Pečar wrote: > > It's interesting that nobody so far mentioned openVZ I wouldn't use it since being bitten by its lack of swap support. I run a couple of web sites on a fairly "heavy" web stack which loads up a bunch of dependencies that don't actually end up being used by my site, but because there is no swap, all that unused code eats real RAM. Because of that, I had to upgrade to a 512 MB VPS hosting plan from a 256 MB plan. My sites initially ran just fine under the 256 MB plan but after adding just one feature to my sites which used one of the piggier features in the web stack, it pushed me over the limit and I had to upgrade. If the VPS could use swap, I'm sure enough of the web stack would remain swapped out that I could have continued using the 256 MB plan. My VPS provider may find OpenVZ to be efficient than Xen, but it cost me about 50% more in hosting fees. That's less efficient in my book.