[CentOS] Cannot %include in CentOS 5.5 kickstart


co55-sy1t at dea.spamcon.org
Thu Mar 17 06:05:14 UTC 2011

whitivery <co55-sy1t at dea.spamcon.org> wrote:

>Patrick Lists
><centos-list at puzzled.xs4all.nl> wrote:
>>On 03/10/2011 08:14 AM, whitivery wrote:
>>> # This does not work
>>> %include /tmp/drvdisk
>>> # This works
>>> #driverdisk
>>> --source=nfs:
>>> %packages
>>> @base
>>> @core
>>> %pre --erroronfail
>>> echo "driverdisk
>>> --source=nfs:">
>>> /tmp/drvdisk
>>Although lacking a good caffeine fix the only difference I notice with 
>>some examples is that they do this:
>>%include /tmp/drvdisk.sh
>>echo "driverdisk --source=nfs:" > /tmp/drvdisk.sh
>>Notice the usage of ".sh" in the drvdisk.sh filename?
>Thanks for the idea - but it didn't make any difference.  I even did chmod
>+x on the created file.  I'm suspecting it's something specific to the
>driverdisk command, I'll play around if I get a chance and see if
>including other things works as expected - in my previous 4.4 work I never
>used a driver disk.

Today I tried including something other than driverdisk (I put the
partitioning commands in an include file), and it works fine.  So it's
something specific to the driverdisk command.

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