[CentOS] security updates?

Alain Péan

alain.pean at lpp.polytechnique.fr
Thu Mar 17 15:34:10 UTC 2011

Le 17/03/2011 16:25, m.roth at 5-cent.us a écrit :
> Sorin Srbu wrote:
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: centos-bounces at centos.org [mailto:centos-bounces at centos.org] On
>>> Behalf
>>> Of Alain Péan
>>> Sent: Thursday, March 17, 2011 4:09 PM
>>> To: CentOS mailing list
>>> Subject: Re: [CentOS] security updates?
>>> May I ask the develloppers if we can have some update about the status
>>> of the release, why it was delayed (some problems ?), if if there is any
>>> schdule to release it ?
>> Can we please, please, pretty please with a cherry on top, not start this
>> dance again? V5.6 will be done when it's done, okay? In the meantime,
> you're all
>> very free to use whatever other distro that has these updates, if you're so
>> antsy about them. Asking "when" won't speed things up, quite the contrary.
>> Please people...
> You beat me to it: *PLEASE* don't start this up again....
With all due respect, the release was announced to be ready last week, 
and planned for the end of the week. One week later, I don't see 
anything. I think having some news once a week is something feasible, 
and I don' want to start a dance.
I did not see anything anywhere (nothing on devel forum or elsewhere).

I use CentOS, I don't want to migrate to another distro to upgrade.

>          mark
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Alain Péan - LPP/CNRS
Administrateur Système/Réseau
Laboratoire de Physique des Plasmas - UMR 7648
Observatoire de Saint-Maur
4, av de Neptune, Bat. A
94100 Saint-Maur des Fossés
Tel : 01-45-11-42-39 - Fax : 01-48-89-44-33

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