[CentOS] Install on Dell PowerEdge T310

admin lewis

adminlewis at gmail.com
Wed Mar 23 18:33:40 UTC 2011

2011/3/23 John R Pierce <pierce at hogranch.com>:
> On 03/23/11 10:40 AM, admin lewis wrote:
>> Hi,
>> this is the first time I install linux on a dell server. Simply I
>> booted from a centos 5.5 x64 dvd but I cant see the disks.. is there
>> something I miss ?
> does that system have some form of PERC raid controller?  you need to go
> into the PERC Bios (or use Dell's utility disk and the raid
> configuratator) and define whatever level of hardware raid you want,
> creating logical volumes that your OS will see as 'disks'.

Thanks very much to all, now I have understood..
anyway it's a perc s300.. I see I can make a virtual disk read-only...
very interesting.. well .. to have a /boot partition read-only is a
thanks to all again... someone has told "google is your friend" ..
..but I say  "I prefer human friend"..

Admin Lewis

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