[CentOS] how to do this create the keyset-file for dnssec

Mon Mar 28 16:46:43 UTC 2011
fakessh @ <fakessh at fakessh.eu>

it is, I'm coming I do not understand the need to recreate and validate
the file keyset-en ....... I then recreate a good record with the key in
this file and my past signatures are good. I did not understand
correctly the operation of dlv

keyset files and I recreated downgrade bind to the stable version 9.3 of
CentOS 5.5 and using webmin. can you give me the command to use to
create files Keyset

I did not find any documentation regarding the creation of this type of

how to do this create the keyset-file for dnssec
gpg --keyserver pgp.mit.edu --recv-key 092164A7
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