> -----Original Message----- > From: Jason > Sent: Sunday, May 08, 2011 14:04 > To: CentOS mailing list > Subject: [CentOS] Building a Back Blaze style POD > > Hi All, > > I am about to embark on a project that deals with allowing > information archival, over time and seeing change over time > as well. I can explain it a lot better, but I would certainly > talk your ear off. I really don't have a lot of money to > throw at the initial concept, but I have some. This device > will host all of the operations for the first few months > until I can afford to build a duplicate device. I already had > a few parts of the idea done and ready to get live. > > I am contemplating building a BackBlaze Style POD. The goal > of the device is to start acting as a place to have the > crawls store information, massage it, get it into db's and > then notify the user the task is done so they can start > looking at the results. > > For reference here are a few links: > > http://blog.backblaze.com/2009/09/01/petabytes-on-a-budget-how -to-build-cheap-cloud-storage/ > > and > > http://cleanenergy.harvard.edu/index.php?ira=Jabba&tipoConteni do=sidebar&sidebar=science Distrubing, I was on the same pages a few hours ago. > > There is room for 45 drives in the case (technically a few more). > > 45 x 1tb 7200rpm drives is really cheap, about $60 each. > > 45 x 1.5tb 7200rpm drives are about $70 each. > > 45 x 2tb 7200rpm drives are about $120 each > > 45 x 3tb 7200rpm drives are about $180-$230 each (or more, > some are almost $400) > > I have question before I commit to building one and I was > hoping to get advice. > > 1. Can anyone recommend a mobo/processor setup that can hold > lots of RAM? Like 24gb or 64gb or more? > > 2. Hardware RAID or Software RAID for this? Hardware to costly in $ Software to costly in CPU. Try for redundancy. > > 3. Would CentOS be a good choice? I have never used CentOS on > a device so massive. Just ordinary servers, so to speak. I > assume that it could handle so many drives, a large, > expanding file system. > Multiple file systems of GFS? > 4. Someone recommended ZFS but I dont recall that being > available on CentOS, but it is on FreeBSD which I have little > experience with. > > 5. How would someone realistically back something like this up? > You don't. You replicate it. We are looking at using it as an online cache of our backup media. > Ultimately I know over time I need to distribute my > architecture out and have a number of web-servers, balancing, > etc but to get started I think this device with good backups > might fit the bill. > > I can be way more detailed if it helps, I just didn't want to > clutter with information that might not be relevant. > -- > Jason -- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- - - - Jason Pyeron PD Inc. http://www.pdinc.us - - Principal Consultant 10 West 24th Street #100 - - +1 (443) 269-1555 x333 Baltimore, Maryland 21218 - - - -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- This message is copyright PD Inc, subject to license 20080407P00.