On 08/05/11 23:31, John Hinton wrote: > > I know Fail2Ban is not a CentOS standard package, but it would be nice > if we could build a place on the CentOS website where rules could be > shared. Each environment is a bit different and so the rules need to be > adapted. I have found the need for edits even between CentOS 3, 4 and 5 > boxes. > That would be the CentOS Wiki. http://wiki.centos.org/ Feel free to jump on over to the centos-docs list and create a page describing how to install, configure and write custom rules. You can also document the differences between CentOS 3, 4 and 5. Sounds like an ideal topic for a HowTo guide. Being a Wiki, others can then easily add and share their rules too. Then every time someone asks about Fail2Ban we can refer them to your documentation :-)