On 05/24/2011 06:17 AM John R. Dennison wrote: > On Tue, May 24, 2011 at 05:48:16AM -0400, ken wrote: > > .... > > While I commend you on the use of the OT tag in the message's Subject... Thank you. > I didn't see a single item that was even remotely on-topic for this list. Which is why it was labeled off-topic (OT:). Difficult to understand? Rather than getting your undies in a bunch, why not just hit the Delete button when you see a Subject line starting with "OT:"? Alternatively, there are a variety of ways to filter mail by the contents of the Subject line (and other parameters) programmatically. Do this and you'd never have to see an "OT:" labeled message again in your entire life. Judging from past experience, I guess we're now to enjoy three or four days of posts about OT posts (as opposed to perhaps four replies actually relevant to the original post). Finally, I'd suggest a list convention whereby if someone wishes to discuss/dispute tangential issues of this kind, they should prepend the words "[Thread Cop]" to the Subject line.