[CentOS] CentOS 5.6 PHP 5.3 and SquirrelMail

Wed May 25 14:35:26 UTC 2011
John R. Dennison <jrd at gerdesas.com>

On Wed, May 25, 2011 at 10:28:00AM -0400, m.roth at 5-cent.us wrote:
> Good grief! Back in '06 and '07, where I worked, I had to build php
> because it didn't have mcrypt support by default. They *still* don't, at
> this late date?

I'm sure that there was a valid reason for this changelog entry from
php53-5.3.3-1.el5_6.1.src.rpm but as the referenced bugzilla tickets are
restricted I can't say what that reason might be.  Intellectual rights
issue with one of the included crypt schemes, perhaps? 

* Fri Mar 26 2010 Joe Orton <jorton at redhat.com> - 5.3.2-2
- remove mcrypt support (#459804, #577257)


DMR: So fsck was originally called something else.
Q: What was it called?
DMR: Well, the second letter was different.

-- Dennis M. Ritchie, Usenix, June 18, 1998.
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