[CentOS] Building a Back Blaze style POD

Sun May 8 19:12:25 UTC 2011
Jason <slackmoehrle.lists at gmail.com>

Hi Jason,

> > http://blog.backblaze.com/2009/09/01/petabytes-on-a-budget-how
> -to-build-cheap-cloud-storage/
> > 
> > and
> > 
> > http://cleanenergy.harvard.edu/index.php?ira=Jabba&tipoConteni
> do=sidebar&sidebar=science
> Distrubing, I was on the same pages a few hours ago.
The Internet is a small place!

BackBlaze actually send me the Harvard link when I inquired. They also told me they are coming out with an updated article based upon new specs, etc. They are not sure when it will be available. 

> > 3. Would CentOS be a good choice? I have never used CentOS on 
> > a device so massive. Just ordinary servers, so to speak. I 
> > assume that it could handle so many drives, a large, 
> > expanding file system.
> Multiple file systems of GFS?

I don't quite know if file systems like this are avail for CentOS? I dont see it when I install, at least IIRC. 

I will ned to research GFS more.
