[CentOS] hi CentOS

Wed May 25 18:45:00 UTC 2011
m.roth at 5-cent.us <m.roth at 5-cent.us>

Bowie Bailey wrote:
> On 5/25/2011 12:20 PM, m.roth at 5-cent.us wrote:
>> John R Pierce wrote:
>>> On 05/25/11 8:52 AM, tronnw at gmail.com wrote:
>>>> Hello CentOS it took a ... (spamcrap deleted)
>>> geez, all my email lists are getting hit with this sort of spam.
>>> becoming quite annoying, the way the list servers filter on the 'from'
>>> address has become inadequate :(
>> Yeah. I'm really ticked just now, because some spammer has glommed onto
>> this email address, and is forging it as the Reply-to:, mostly hitting
>> the EU.
>> Now, if only I wouldn't get kicked off the 'Net with a flood ping of the
>> sender...
> One of my accounts has been used as the Reply-To and From address for a
> bunch of spam in Russia for ages now.  I get about 120 bounce messages
> per day because of it.  Fortunately, they can be mostly filtered out by
> looking for bounce messages referencing .ru domains.

I keep meaning to see if I can remote desktop into the IP address....

         mark "format c:\; yes, yes, yes...."