[CentOS] redhat vs centos

Wed Nov 2 20:05:02 UTC 2011
David Hrbáč <david-lists at hrbac.cz>

Dne 2.11.2011 18:43, Bill Campbell napsal(a):
> We were using that about 5 years ago, and paid Novell a fair amount of
> money in their Partner program.  Novell's support was slim to non-existent
> leading to our move to CentOS.
> Given the recent sale to Attachmate and such, I wouldn't invest any time or
> money in SLES.
> Bill

Our many years experience with SLES is the very same. It is "enterprise"
and certified distro, but I would not invest the cent into it. One of
the reasons we are using CentOS.