[CentOS] redhat vs centos

Tue Nov 8 18:59:22 UTC 2011
Marko Vojinovic <vvmarko at gmail.com>

Am I missing something here, or is the conversation below just an elaborate 
joke on my expense?

Am 07.11.2011 22:50, schrieb Marko Vojinovic:

> > > > Typically, you have no way of knowing the physical structure of the
> > > > "cloud machine" where your virtual machine is being hosted.

On Monday 07 November 2011 22:23:09 Reindl Harald wrote:

> > > the physical structure does not matter
> > > you pay for virtaul CPUs as you do also for virtual appliances

On Mon, Nov 7, 2011 at 8:38 PM, Marko Vojinovic <vvmarko at gmail.com> wrote:

> > Well, what I don't understand is how many vCPU's are equal to one socket.
> > Does RH have a formula for the number of sockets as a function of the
> > number of vCPU's (and vice versa)?

On Tuesday 08 November 2011 03:17:11 Trey Dockendorf wrote:
> Socket != vCPU.  There is no need for a formula.  The licensing is done
> based on the hosting hardware.

What gives?

Let me stress again: there is *no* *information* about the hosting hardware! 
It is "in the cloud", on some mainframe or cluster of the cloud provider. That 
hardware is potentially subject to change over time and at provider's 
discretion, without me even knowing about it. There are no sockets for me to 
count anywhere, only vCPU's. Damn, that's why it' called s a *virtual* 

RH licence model is based on the assumption that I own or otherwise have 
physical access to the hardware on which I am to install RHEL, and can 
consequently count the physical sockets of that hardware. This assumption is 
*false* for the situation discussed above. The hardware is *not* available for 
counting sockets, and in addition is a moving target (subject to changes).

If RH does not have that case covered at all, I can understand, and that's OK. 
It's probably best to contact a RH representative and discuss what to do on a 
case-by-case basis, which is also OK.

What is *not* OK is people on this list authoritatively telling me that 
everything is clear and that I have difficulty understanding what they are 
saying. When in fact it is the other way around.

Is this an April's Fool joke, or what? Yesterday when I checked the calender 
it said "November"... Or are some people on this list just too ignorant to 
read and too dense to understand the actual question when replying?

Sheesh! :-@