Ljubomir Ljubojevic wrote -------------------------------- Vreme: 11/10/2011 02:44 PM, Bob Hoffman pis(e: >/ In closing, it is down to suse or back to centos and just pray redhat />/ turns around. Maybe scientific linux. />/ Ubuntu is not ready for prime time and a HUGE step backwards. It is not />/ cutting edge and very insecure. />/ />/ So maybe centos, even if a year or two behind, is way better than ubuntu />/ will ever be. / Since 6.1 is close now, I do not expect delays longer then 6 months, and since CR repo exists most of the stuff will come to us much quicker. ElRepo's Mainline kernel (2.6.39-4.rc6.1.el6.elrepo) was completed yesterday, and should pose no problems with CentOS distro. That can, if no other option exists help you with kernel/video problems. -------------------------------- My only real concern was where red hat was going with this clone war (just a yoda line :) ) I decided to try out some non red hat versions. I really was excited about ubu and getting somewhat newer packages of things and trying them out. Turns out my experience is very disappointing with ubu. It makes centos look light years ahead of them in all ways. One just wishes redhat had a realistic upgrade of some packages (like php) during the life. Where is this CR repo listed at? I did not see it on centos.org. I may just go with it.