[CentOS] Redhat vs centos vs ubuntu

Fri Nov 11 04:07:10 UTC 2011
John R. Dennison <jrd at gerdesas.com>

On Thu, Nov 10, 2011 at 08:49:33PM -0700, Craig White wrote:
> I just can't embrace installing an OS whose security updates have
> consistently lagged 3-6 months behind.

You've made this point, repeatedly, for the past few months.  It's
getting old; we are all well aware of your feelings about this.  So
perhaps we can just let it go now?  Please?

This thread is an example of what is wrong with this list.  There is
little to no value to be had with threads of this nature.  This isn't an
advocacy list; nor is it a list to beat about the merits of one of
server distro versus another.

Mankind is a single body and each nation a part of that body.  We must
never say "What does it matter to me if some part of the world is ailing?"
If there is such an illness, we must concern ourselves with it as though we
were having that illness.

Mustafa Kemal Ataturk (1881-1938), founder and first President of the
Republic of Turkey
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