[CentOS] CentOS fileserver migrating to ZFS appliance

Sat Nov 26 00:25:38 UTC 2011
John R Pierce <pierce at hogranch.com>

On 11/25/11 10:46 AM, Alan McKay wrote:
> The problem here is that currently SMB runs on the 5.3 box which is
> also where NIS runs, and people authenticate from there.
> The ZFS appliance is going to be the new home for SMB but it does not
> have a native authentication system and seems to want a pretty
> elaborate one, not something nice and simple like the Linux Samba
> software.

if you're running multiple windows systems with a server and DONT have 
centralized authentication, you have a mess.

if you're not running windows systems, then why are you using SMB ?   
NFS is the native file sharing system for Unix and Linux systems.

john r pierce                            N 37, W 122
santa cruz ca                         mid-left coast