[CentOS] Forget SMB password immediately

Sat Nov 26 19:01:13 UTC 2011
John R Pierce <pierce at hogranch.com>

On 11/26/11 2:42 AM, Guitart Francesc wrote:
> I'm talking of one local account in the CentOS machine without
> permissions to the network (this is why i'm trying to give them acces to
> the NAS as your own network user account) where the users run a
> calculation system.

if all the user processes are running as the same user ID, how do you 
expect the file system to know what user is supposed to have access to 
which share?   what you're asking for is physically impossible.   once 
user "A" logged on as unix user X opens his user 'ShareA', *all* 
processes running as unix user "X" will have access to it.   if you 
thought it worked differently on Debian, you were wrong.

john r pierce                            N 37, W 122
santa cruz ca                         mid-left coast