[CentOS] redhat vs centos

Akemi Yagi

amyagi at gmail.com
Tue Nov 1 16:27:53 UTC 2011

On Tue, Nov 1, 2011 at 8:58 AM, Ljubomir Ljubojevic <office at plnet.rs> wrote:
> Vreme: 11/01/2011 04:50 PM, Digimer piše:
>> On 11/01/2011 01:46 AM, Bob Hoffman wrote:
>>> I have been reading the threads on here with great ernest about redhat
>>> making a move to throw off centos compilations.
>> Having spoken to folks at Red Hat in an unofficial capacity, I strongly
>> believe that CentOS is appreciated by Red Hat. Changes Red Hat makes
>> have nothing to do with "throwing off" CentOS. They do what they do for
>> reasons that, to them, make technical and business sense. Nothing more.
> Then Red Hat should see what problems CentOS team has and try to help
> them even with behind closed doors, like giving them tips what order to
> use to build packages, etc.

I also see that Red Hat would appreciate CentOS but may not actively
provide helping hands.

One major contribution CentOS makes is to help maintain the Red Hat
ecosystem as was pointed out by others. If it was not for CentOS, I
would not have my current RHEL entitlement. :-)

Real "problem" with recent release troubles with CentOS is that some
(or many?) are migrating to Ubuntu/Debian rather than to other RHEL
clones, which might eventually hurt the entire Red Hat community. See
the trend at:



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