[CentOS] redhat vs centos

David Hrbáč

david-lists at hrbac.cz
Tue Nov 1 16:47:51 UTC 2011

Dne 1.11.2011 17:27, Akemi Yagi napsal(a):
> Real "problem" with recent release troubles with CentOS is that some
> (or many?) are migrating to Ubuntu/Debian rather than to other RHEL
> clones, which might eventually hurt the entire Red Hat community.

Well, there are no other RHEL clones except SL/Centos. We have quite
large infrastructure and we want it homogeneous as possible. Because we
run a few boxes with IBM, Ora stuff we need "certified" OSes, certified
is only RHEL or SuSE. So we are using RHEL and Centos. We have been
running happily and smoothly for a few years with this concept. Because
of the lastest issues with CentOS we are really considering moving back
to Debian.

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