[CentOS] redhat vs centos

Rob Kampen

rkampen at kampensonline.com
Tue Nov 1 17:57:29 UTC 2011

Tony Mountifield wrote:
> In article <CALKwpEyuPRU5Az9xU_d_BrJc0m_E9XDLH1T5iuB2U8rvRZevTg at mail.gmail.com>,
> Brian Mathis <brian.mathis+centos at betteradmin.com> wrote:
>> When Redhat announced the changes they made it very clear they were
>> trying to prevent other companies (like Oracle and Novell) who were
>> providing support to RHEL customers at reduced rates.  They have never
>> said they were concerned with the free clones and in fact have helped
>> CentOS many times in the past (according to statements from the core
>> developers).
>> Redhat knows that the free distros help them maintain market share,
>> and gain customers who need full support eventually.  The issues
>> CentOS are seeing are simply collateral damage to the larger war
>> against the other big companies who are trying to provide services by
>> cheating.
> Except that the other day, Johnny posted this:
>> I can tell you that we have been contacted by upstream to make sure we
>> **UNDERSTAND** the new AUP restrictions on distribution.  I can also
>> tell you that we (CentOS) are doing everything in our power to meet the
>> restrictions as they were explained to us.
> which sounds like RH making it clear that their changes are aimed at CentOS too.
This sounds more like a butt covering exercise by lawyers, remember this 
all comes from the USA where there are FAR TOO MANY lawyers.
To be able to enforce a possible claim under this AUP restriction, they 
will need to show that those involved with use of the code, under this 
new clause, understand and have been communicated with.......etc.
As I said, a butt covering exercise - rather than any expressed attempt 
at intimidation or enforcement - just my $0.01 worth.
> Pity... perhaps RH have had a change of manager somewhere...
> Cheers
> Tony

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