I'm trying to update from the cr repo, but yum-plugin-fastestmirror gets it totally wrong; it selects a mirror in .hk that deliveres bytes per second, and as far as I can tell, most or all of the timedhosts.txt entries are in the Middle or Far East. What's going on? Nobody mirroring cr in other parts of the world? mirrors.ta139.com 99999999999 centos.communilink.net 99999999999 mirrors.hns.net.in 99999999999 centos.aol.in 99999999999 virror.hanoilug.org 99999999999 mirror.averse.net 99999999999 mirror.nus.edu.sg 99999999999 ftp.cuhk.edu.hk 99999999999 ftp.iitm.ac.in 99999999999 mirror-fpt-telecom.fpt.net 99999999999 centos.vr-zone.com 99999999999 mirrors.btte.net 99999999999 mirrors.digipower.vn 99999999999 centosmirror.go4hosting.in 99999999999 ftp.oss.eznetsols.org 0.220621109009 centos.01link.hk 99999999999 mirrors.ispros.com.bd 99999999999 mirrors.163.com 99999999999 mirror.vietoss.com 99999999999 mirror.neu.edu.cn 99999999999