Hello again, I still have 1 minor problem - I've created a new file /etc/init/pref.conf: start on stopped rc RUNLEVEL=3 stop on starting rc RUNLEVEL=[!3] console output respawn chdir /tmp exec /bin/su -c '/usr/local/pref/pref.pl >/tmp/pref-`date +%a`.txt 2>&1' afarber And started my script (a TCP-sockets daemon for a game) with # sudo initctl start pref pref start/running, process 2590 I can also see it running with "ps uawx", "netstat -an" and # sudo initctl status pref But I can not restart it with: # sudo initctl restart pref initctl: Unknown instance: # sudo initctl stop pref initctl: Unknown instance: Why so? I was hoping to use the last command in a nightly cronjob (I have to restart my script because of perl memory problems) And also when I run # sudo initctl start pref several times, then I get # sudo initctl status pref pref stop/waiting - even though the process seems to run ok. Thank you Alex