[CentOS] What's up with the mailing list?

Sun Oct 16 19:08:25 UTC 2011
John R Pierce <pierce at hogranch.com>

On 10/16/11 6:57 AM, Lorenzo Martínez Rodríguez wrote:
> Following your link I only see "Compatible with Windows
> ME/2000/XP/Vista/7" Are you sure it will work with CentOS 6? I don't use
> it for print anything, but just to switch on my own home alarm as I
> wrote here:
> http://www.securitybydefault.com/2011/04/trasteando-con-una-alarma-de-securitas.html
> Sorry, it is in spanish, that's my language :) Give it a try with some
> online translation service.

that style of programming, poking bits at a physical IO device at an 
assumed port address will not work on anything but a legacy mainboard 
LPT1 port.   any PCI or PCI-E port will be at a dynamic address which 
you'd have to find via the plug and play device registry, or groping 
your way through the output of lspci, which it appears you've been 
doing.. a USB port requires a complex sequence of commands to be sent to 
the USB controller to send data to the port.

my guess is, the newer kernels have dropped support entirely for 
ieee1284 devices.

john r pierce                            N 37, W 122
santa cruz ca                         mid-left coast