Ok, I have Googled this and either I am not asking the right way or I just can't see what's in front of me (sorry)... We have log files called app.2011-10-119.log (with the date changing every day). The log is created by the application each day at midnight. I have logrotate set to rotate files ending in .log at 4am, with copytruncate on by default. If I list the files I see all the old app.2011-10-<X>.log files with a 0 file size. If I turn off copytruncate, the current days log file will be removed everyday at 4am. How can I satisfy both the need to remove yesterday's log file while keeping the current day? Here is the logrotate file: /var/log/app/*.log { daily rotate 10 compress missingok notifempty create 0644 user user } I added notifempty to keep the old empty log files from being compressed... Thanks, John John Kennedy