[CentOS] You suggestion for 'big' filesystem management Best Practice? Max Ext4 sizes

Fri Oct 28 10:12:51 UTC 2011
Rajagopal Swaminathan <raju.rajsand at gmail.com>


2011/10/28 Götz Reinicke <goetz.reinicke at filmakademie.de>:
> Thx. Yes I'l usually go with 64 bit only.
> BTW 3. So far I found the information, that the 1EB ist the theory, but
> the usertools for managing the ext4 are limited to 16TB for safety
> reasons...

Another important consideration would be, if and when the organisation
needs support and are ready to pay for it, say, only for production
systems, Redhat has always been there.

