[CentOS] CentOS 6 Partitioning Help

Thu Sep 1 02:44:24 UTC 2011
Robert Nichols <rnicholsNOSPAM at comcast.net>

On 08/31/2011 08:51 PM, Jonathan Vomacka wrote:
> In the past this was my partition scheme:
> Root filesystem (/) = 10240MB (10GB)
> /boot = 200MB
> swap =  1024MB (1GB)
> /var = 20480MB (20GB)
> /tmp = 10240MB (10GB)
> /usr = 51200MB (50GB)
> /home = all remaining space on the drive

Having /usr separate from the root file system is no longer recommended
or supported.  There are various bits and pieces from /usr that now may
get called during the boot sequence while only the root file system is
mounted.  Mostly, these support udev classification of various devices
you might not have, so it's possible that everything would work just
fine for you, but it's still not a recommended configuration.

Bob Nichols     "NOSPAM" is really part of my email address.
                 Do NOT delete it.