[CentOS] Was, Re: Upgrade from 5.6 => 5.7, is, programming with style and elegance

Thu Sep 15 18:43:33 UTC 2011
m.roth at 5-cent.us <m.roth at 5-cent.us>

Keith Roberts wrote:
> On Thu, 15 Sep 2011, Always Learning wrote:
> *snip*
>> Sometimes well-paid contract work can make the contractor feel like a
>> prostitute.  Does one object to utter stupidity and walk-out or abandon
>> one's principals and stay ?
> I gues it depends on how much the hourly rate is ;)

It depends on your ethics.

I've had to relocate 5 times in my life, halfway across the US each time,
leaving folks behind. The last time, in '09, with the depression in full
swing, I had a choice of staying in Chicago, and taking a third shift job
for six months or a year (before they'd let me shift to day), supporting
trading firms (that is, rich or wannabe rich assholes do their best to get
richer by screwing everyone else), that might eventually have been a lot
more money, or taking a good salary working for a federal contractor, and
having to relocate *again*, this time to DC.

I'm in DC. I'm doing something useful to society, and not prostituting
