[CentOS] This doesn't make sense

Fri Sep 23 14:06:44 UTC 2011
Stefan Held <obi at unixkiste.org>

Am Donnerstag, den 22.09.2011, 07:28 -0500 schrieb Johnny Hughes:

> No matter what we try to do ... some kind of rolling updates for people
> who do not want to wait ... or whatever the next thing is ... well you
> do not seem to be happy.

Your "Customers" are not unhappy because they don't like what you do.
Your "Customers" are unhappy because they don't know what you do.

The Release and QA Process seems recently to have become a mirracle.
There is nothing discussed where your Problems are in getting things

So if nobody knows where you are stuck. (Who are the persons anyway
hidden in the secret labs?!) Nobody can step up and help out.

Where is this discussion maintained anyway? The Currents process is
untransparent. And for a "C"OMMUNITY "E"nterperise "O"perating "S"ystem
this fact is not acceptable.

We know that the big boys at RH changed the whole system, but the
community accepted that you need time for 6.0 to adept to these changes.

Since then we all thought the issues would have been solved. So what
now? What exactly is holding of the release of 6.1 and where can we as a
community step in and help?

> If you aren't happy, well then we would recommend "something else" that
> does make you happy.

Or give us the possibility to help becoming happy again. But doing it
like Dumbledore in secret regions of the Centos-Hogwards Terrertory is
an bad option as it seems.

> Happy is important ... don't go through life unhappy because of an OS.

You seem very unhappy at the moment ;)

> We just want you to be happy Les.

see my above text.


Stefan Held                      VI has only 2 Modes:
obi unixkiste org                The first one is for beeping all the time,
FreeNode: foo_bar                the second destroys the text.
perl -e'map{print pack c,($|++?1:13)+ord,select$,,$,,$,,$|}split//,ESEL.$/'